Hey there,
Time ⏰ for our product update where we expose what we've been up to with the app over the last month. Exceptionally this time, there will be no video.
During the whole month of March, our efforts have been mainly focused on making the app more stable. We rolled out our latest version 3.2.4 a few days ago. And we highly recommend the update, especially if you've been impacted by one of those issues:
👾 Several crashes during sessions
👾 Residual echo or noise while chatting with your team
👾 JetBrains apps on macOS not responding to mouse clicks when used via Drovio
👾 The app getting blocked on the "Signing in..." step
The complete changelog is available here.
Your feedback matters a lot to us, 🙏 thank you once more for all your messages on our Google form.
I’m thrilled to announce today that we’re moving to a public platform for feature requests and our roadmap. This platform is available on feedback.drovio.com.
On that platform, you’ll be able to vote for features, send us new requests or report issues you’ve been experiencing and get notified for any update. We’ve already populated it with your feature requests.
So keep the feedback coming.
Remember, when you do that, you actually help us shape the future of Drovio.
Happy collaborating!
Create your free account and start collaborating right away with your team on all your apps. Should you have any questions about our offers, be sure to contact us.